Sunday 15 April 2012

What to Do.....Katie???

So I am not afraid to say it but I am a compulsive list maker and I am super organised which is strange as my other half is the total opposite!!!

What I thought I would do is every Sunday blog a list of the weeks objectives combining work and play and look back on them and see what I achieve and photograph it. This may seem boring but it also captures my life to a tee!

So here goes with the first ever What to Do????:
  1. Swing back into work - a week of lie ins and shopping needs to be eradicated with many lists to organise my life
  2. Take photos of all clothes bought in holidays and prepare blog posts
  3. Make sure I keep up the tweeting!
  4. Buy other half's birthday card and present for the 26th April - hint it's football related
  5. Finish the Summer in the City on my Kindle (naturally blog about it)
  6. Organise work night out (party time!)
  7. Start to do some exercise - I really want to learn to run (I know learning to run shouldn't be hard but I want to learn how to pace myself and not die of exhaustion)
  8. Use my new Jamie Oliver cookbooks
So, although to most people that list might seem quite sparadic - this is just one of many lists I do to organise my week! I swear I have issues!

Lets see next week how I have got on......

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